

like a reunion that felt Rothschild that  Papa was genius Surely Rothschild patented that my photo would be the original I wrote on the open homepage. This was advantageous for this project. It was Rothschild who paid attention to the voices of the photographers. It was a thing that focused on kinda's face feet. I was thinking of asking the Nihon University College of Art. If  look at it after drawing it up, the place here is ... It is a things that is Sure Realism when you see the two obje as a whole. I was surprised at this. All the work that was awesome was completed thanks The copyright of the mobile phone itself is austria. i understood my father Reagan done to my project America of Rothschild. especially not related to austria but father done. father all of my mind for Reagan. Noda's farther is not my father,but he is a father. i can't hear what everyone says. From Note: